Unami Buffalo Nation

Ante Pennsylvania

Elected Officials: [Left to Right]
Mufti, Jamez King El, Cadi, Yousef Raheem Ali, Hajib, YeSharon Akasha El Rose Bey, Seyaraha, Apostle Yahuda El, Wasir Al'rais, Brahiym Aliyn Pinder Bey Qazi, Nasir Ibn Abdullah Bey

Sister Apostle Yauha El
Giving her acceptance speech as she accepts the office of the Seyaraha (Lead Speaker of the Legislative Branch) during the inauguration held on the 15 Deember 2022
Sister Apostle Yahuda El Seyaraha (Lead Speaker of the Legislative Branch)
Legislative Branch of the State and Speaker for the Matriarchal Council known as the House of the Dalil Aziz
Brother Nasir Ibn Abdullah Bey, Qazi (Chief Judge)
Judicial Branch of the State
Brother Jamez King El, Mufti (Consul General)
Judicial Branch of the State
YeSharon Akasha El Rose Bey, Hajib (Secretary of State / Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Executive Branch of the State
Brahiym Aliym Pindar Bey, Wazir Al’ Rais (Prime Minister)
Executive Branch of the State
Moroccan State Officials for UBNAP
Cadi (Deed / Tax Commissioner) Yousef Raheem Ali
Executive Branch of the State
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