Unami Buffalo Nation

Ante Pennsylvania

“To Restore, Reinstitute, and Reaffirm the Moroccan Empire”
(Ex factis jus oritur / Ex-injuria jus non oritur)

(A Provincial State Government under the existing and pre-existing Sovereignty of the Moroccan Empire)

~ Elected Officials ~

Qazi (Chief Judge),
Nasir Ibn Abdullah Bey

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Qazi. The Qazi shall be responsible for the supervision of district judges in three different regencies. The Qazi can hold court in any division when the chief judge determines it necessary. Some responsibilities are as followed:

• Assign judges
• Records and reports prescribed documents submitted from district judges.
• Submit vacation approvals for judges
• Days and hours for holding court in each division.
• Establish a violation bureau and appoint a clerk
• Establish in each division a fisheries and wildlife bureau.
• Appoint a clerk of the district court in each division to serve in the fisheries and wildlife bureau.

Seyaraha (Lead Speaker of the Legislative Branch),
Apostle Yahuda El

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Seyaraha. Seyaraha is blessed within the Dalil Aziz to be the house speaker of the legislative branch. There are seven functions to her position.

Representation is the function of understanding the impact of proposed legislation, appropriations, nominations, analysis, research, explain important issues to constituents, how they are advocating for their district/State,

Legislation is the function of developing ideas for public policy ideas and steward them through the legislative process in the Dalil Aziz. Assess propose amendments to, and vote on legislative proposals offered by the nation, judicial, and executive branch. Offer advise and consent on treaties with making informed public policy decisions that are in the best interests of the people.

Investigation/ Oversight is the function of the Seyaraha to explore challenges, problems, and improprieties in the public and private sectors without any abuses to any nationals’ constitutional inalienable rights, evaluate nominations for public offices, and can hold public and private entities accountable to society and develop new legislative solutions to strengthen communication.

Management is the function of recruiting, hiring, training, and retained staff. Seyaraha are responsible for identifying and recruiting the talent they need and ensuring they perform as effectively as possible for as long as possible. Essential management tools include an office organizational chart and chain of command, personnel policies, for setting, delegating, and overseeing projects and tasks.

Politics is the function and art of rhetoric, negotiation, and compromise to accomplish mutually agreeable solutions to social problems. All while organizing the chaos of national’s adverse decisions.

Collaboration is the function of diverse individuals with varied life experiences, their shared commitment to public service, and their innate abilities to work together without emotional decisions. Trust is the foundation of relationships, and relationships are the primary means for the Dalil Aziz and Seyaraha to successfully pass legislation.

Leadership is the function of the Seyaraha whom the people throughout the nation look to for guidance and inspiration. Through their divine leadership the Seyaraha with the Dalil Aziz must nurture and facilitate Unami Buffalo Nations peace and prosperity by understanding our Constitution, upholding, and exercising the role of authority, and promoting our national values to support and defend the Constitution.

Mufti (Consul General)
Jamez King El

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Mufti. The Mufti serves as the consular post who speaks on behalf of the State. The Mufti will be afforded the duty of appointing consuls for representing nationals in consular court, vice consuls for assisting nationals and elected officials in international affairs, and consular agents for representing nationals in domestic situations per article 9 1961 Vienna Convention. The Mufti works diligently with the Surtrah to ensure the safety and security upon entry into Unami Buffalo Nations dominions.

The Mufti also has investigative powers from our Constitution to ensure a fair investigation of our nationals, subjects, and protected foreigners. One of the primary responsibilities of the Mufti is the distribution of State identification cards, Moroccan plates for conveyances, and dispatching Moroccan State police.

The Mufti’s political aim is to ensure peaceful solutions between Unami’s nations, Unami’s nations and United States agents, Unami’s nations and United States of American citizens, and Unami’s nationals and other foreign nationals in Morocco or abroad.

Cadi (Deed / Tax Commissioner)
Yousef Raheem Ali

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Cadi. The Cadi responsibilities are directing and certifying all property within Unami’s State dominions. To oversee real business and personal property valuations and tax assessor. The Cadi must also administer a cyclical property inspection program, review property sales, process reports of new inventory and valuate new construction, process land appreciations and land liens, ensure that all property and land liens are current and corresponding with deeds, transfer titles, land court recordings, death certificates (issued to the Cadi from the D’jema), and answers queries from taxpayers, banks, and other parties. The Cadi will keep street and personal property listings established with a uniform and equitable system for assessing all classes and levels of property, assess a valuation for purposes of taxation upon all real estate and all taxable products entering the State ports.

Hajib (Secretary of State / Minister of Foreign Affairs)
YeSharon Akasha El Rose Bey

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Hajib. The Hajib carries out the States foreign policies and foreign services. The Hajib has full power from the State to negotiating treaties between States and international developments between nations. In addition, the Hajib retains the responsibilities of overseeing the national highways, bridges, tolls, and the railroad committee. The Hajib has the honor of publicly displaying treaties and international acts. The protection and usage of the official Great Seal of the State belongs to the Hajib for certifying original treaties and international agreements. The Hajib represents the State in all international conferences, United States and United States of America foreign delegation and interests in Morocco and abroad, and ensures the protection of the nationals, their property and interest in foreign lands. The Hajib provides information to the nationals regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries.

Wazir Al’ Rais (Prime Minister)
Brahiym Aliym Pindar Bey

Here in lies the primary responsibilities of the Wazir Al’ Rais. The Wazir Al’Rais directs the functions of the government and supervises the implementation of the State as the lead for the executive branch. The Wazir Al’ Rais coordinates the government’s preparation and considerations of the peoples matters to be decided by the executive branch and legislative branch. The Wazir Al’Rais role in the executive branch is to ensure that the activities of the government flows smoothly in all circumstances. The Wazir’s primary power is the speaker of the house and to insure order and communication within all offices of government. The Wazir Al’Rais chairs plenary sessions of the State and has the right to decide the days and the order for the governmental sessions. The Wazir’s responsibilities on proposed bills from the house to the legislative branch and legislative branch down to the house must be implemented by the Wazir and only the wazir first. The Wazir has the power to chair all statutory executive branch committees and the sessions of the Economic Council, State programs, and Research and Innovation council.

Unami Buffalo Nation Ante Pennsylvania

Morocco, Latitude 39.950010, Longitude -75.163020

c/o 100 South Juniper Street, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [19107]

Phone: (856) 362-4392 | Email: UnamiBuffaloNation@gmail.com

Website: www.UnamiBuffaloNation.org